A Clear Message from 1860 in Less Than 140 Characters
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Can You Answer Three Simple Questions?
What is my presentation message?
Why is it good for my audience?
Why should they care?
If you can't answer these three questions, you aren't ready to present. Period.
Don't waste your time and theirs.
Three simple answers = the core of your presentaiton.
You can add slides and details as needed, depending on your audience and the scope of info they need.
(Less is MORE)
A wise man once said:
"If you can't show me on the back of a cocktail napkin, then I ain't interested."
The take-away: Use these three questions to build the core of your presentation.
Build out from there if you need to.
Because if you can't explain the core of your presentation, nobody wants to listen to you.
And your not ready to present. Period.
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