
Showing posts from April, 2012

What's For Dinner?

                           The Best Presentations are like a delicious three-course dinner. Appetizer:  Makes them hungry for more.  (Hooks the audience.) Main Course:  Satisfies their hunger.  (Proves the presenter's case.) Dessert:  Gives them sweet dreams.  (Sends them out motivated to act.) What is you Presentation Menu serving?

Bored to Death?

Bored To Death Are you boring your audience to death? Do you give them a reason to listen? Would you want to listen to you?

Even Granny Gets It!

Granny Gets It! A wise manager once said:   "If your Grandmama can't understand your slides, then they're not good slides." Remember, good PowerPoint slides are easy to understand, easy to remember,  and easy to explain.  They are also much easier to present. One message per slide.  Something Grandmama would be proud of. Your Presentation Best will be on holiday til April 16. Happy Easter!