
Showing posts from April, 2015
Can You Pass The Twitter Test? Can you Tweet it? 140 characters or less. If you truly understand the main message of your presentation, then you should be able to explain it in a quick and easy way. Try the Twitter Test. This helps you to focus on the essential take-away(s). It also helps your audience to instantly understand the value you are providing them. (Supporting data can always be added as needed) As Albert Einstein liked to say: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't really understand it." Let Us Help You Bring Out Your Presentation Best
It Sends the Wrong Signal, But the Take-Away IS Clear Here's another quick test:   Can you say the main take-away of your last presentation in  one sentence ? If you can, then you have a pretty good idea of the value you're giving your audience. If you can't, you have to wonder if your audience got your message. Remember:  Time is Money.  And most people don't  have enough of either. Make sure you're giving your audience something of value . And make sure you clearly understand what that something is. Be Your Presentation Best
A Clear Message from 1860 in Less Than 140 Characters 10 Days to S.F. Change of Time = Faster Reduced Rates = Cheaper Can You Answer Three Simple Questions? What is my presentation message? Why is it good for my audience? Why should they care?   If you can't answer these three questions, you aren't ready to present.    Period. Don't waste your time and theirs. Seriously.  Three simple answers = the core of your presentaiton. You can add slides and details as needed, depending on your audience and the scope of info they need.   (Less is MORE) A wise man once said:  "If you can't show me on the back of a cocktail napkin, then I ain't interested." The take-away:  Use these three questions to build the core of your presentation.   Build out from there if you need to. Because if you can't explain the core of your presentation, nobody wants to listen to you. And your not ready to present.  Period.
Even Granny Gets It! A wise manager once said:   "If your Grandmama can't understand your slides, then they're not good slides." Remember, good PowerPoint slides are easy to understand ,  easy to remember ,  and easy to explain .  They are also much easier to present . One message per slide.  Something Grandmama would be proud of. Your Presentation Best will be on holiday til April 16. Happy Easter!