The Most Terrifying Presentation You'll Ever See

Al Gore Captures The World's Imagination...A 90-Minute Presentation

Can you imagine a 90-minute presentation that keeps you engaged from start to finish?  If you're like most people in the corporate world, your answer is probably: ""

Al Gore's Academy Award-winning presentation, "An Inconvenient Truth", actually manages to do this.  By framing global warming, an otherwise dry and very technical issue, as a life and death drama, Gore grabs his audience and shakes them.  

He brings it to life with human stories and illustrates these stories with fantastic visuals. What is so very striking, is that his visuals are just that: VISUAL.  He uses minimal text. He tells the story.  The visuals simply help him to tell a more effective, powerful story.

NASA - Earth From Apollo Wallpaper

When Gore was a politician, he was famous for being a boring expert on many issues.
Often times, his audience would tune out because he gave them technical details that even other experts didn't necessarily want.  If he had made political presentations the way he presents "An Inconvenient Truth", he would have been easily elected President and the Kyoto Protocol would have been implemented.

The take-away is this:  watch Al Gore in action and think about how you can bring your next presentation to life.  Maximal visuals, minimal text on slides.  
You in the spotlight, telling the story.

Remember, all the text-heavy and super-detailed support slides can be used if requested by your audience during your Q&A.  Moreover, you will give them an e-file with all the presentation AND the detailed support slides so they can refer to them whenever they want.


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