The Godfather of Great Presentation

The Godfather of Great Presentation

Steve Jobs makes a great point.  Any presenter who truly knows their message needs to be able to bring it to life without outside media.  It's called painting a KISSS picture with your words.

Last time we looked at the PowerPoint slide from Hell and
how slide complexity can be a killer.
(Death By PowerPoint should be criminalized.)

If you do use outside visual media, it should also be KISSS.
(Keep It Short Sweet and Sexy).

Particularly with slides, make sure they are clean and user-friendly. 
People can "get" a great slide right away.
Then the presenter can verbalise any further details. 
(the presenter is the key audience contact point, NOT the slides.)

If there is more data you need to put on your slide, no worries. 
Just do what Steve Jobs typically does: 

 “Who wants a stylus?”

Start with a KISSS slide...and build it up as you go, piece by piece:

Jobs is in complete control of what his audience sees and when they see it.
They go on his journey with him--in Jobs Time.
Complexity managed.

Follow the Godfather, and you and your audience will be rewarded.


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