
Showing posts from May, 2022
Yo-Yoing Between Tasks? Why Switch When You Can Batch? A study of Microsoft employees found that when they were interrupted by an email, they needed fifteen minutes to fully regain their train of thought. Switching back and forth between tasks is costly in time and energy. To see this switching cost in action, try this basic exercise:   Say “abcdefgh” then immediately after that say “12345678”. Notice how long it takes you to do this.  Now mix the two: say “a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8”. It takes more time and mental energy while switching between letters and numbers. A useful tool to combat our switching habits at work is “batching “. You can work fewer hours, and work less hard during those hours, by batching your tasks more effectively.  Batching means grouping together similar tasks, so you spend less time and energy switching between different types of activity.  In the “a1b2c3 . . .” exercise, it’s like handling all the letters first, in one batch, then handling the number...
  You Stole 2 Hours Of My Life. I Hate You! “I can't believe we just wasted two hours at that presentation.What was the $%?!&*-ing point? That's two hours that I will never get back. Aaaaaand we’ve still got two hours togo?$%&!!*@!" Ever thought that. Your not alone. What do you want out of a presentation when you are in the audience? It's a good question to ask yourself the next time your preapring your presentation.                                Think about what you hate when watching others present. Maybe it's endless PowerPoint slides filled with lots of text that the presenter is reading to you?  Or a presentation that bores you to death because there is nothing in it for you, your stakeholders, or pain points? Or any number of other things that drive you crazy, put you to sleep, or make you pray that it would just end? If you hate wasting your valuable time at a presentation that suc...