
Showing posts from May, 2011

Your Presentation Moment of Zen May 28, 2011

A wise manager once said:   "If your Grandma can't understand your slides, then they're not good slides." Remember, good PowerPoint slides are easy to understand, easy to remember,  and easy to explain. One message per slide.  Something Grandma would be proud of.

Your Presentation Moment of Zen May 25, 2011

Death By PowerPoint:  Are you part of the solution...or part of the problem?

Your Presentation Moment of Zen May 15, 2011

You are the Message  (NOT PowerPoint) Maximise your ability to sell your meassage by using the 80 / 20 Rule. 80% You  / 20 % PowerPoint Connect with you audience in a human way by staying in the spotlight.   Don't let PowerPoint dominate the sho w.

Your Presentation Moment of Zen May 10, 2011

The Best Presentations are like a delicious three-course dinner. Appetizer:  Makes them hungry for more.  (Hooks the audience.) Main Course:  Satisfies their hunger.  (Proves the presenter's case.) Dessert:  Gives them sweet dreams.  (Sends them out motivated to act.) What is you Presentation Menu serving?

Your Presentation Moment of Zen May 6, 2011

Great Presentation is the art of bringing two worlds together: Yours and that of Your Audience. Creating a Zone of Synergy between what you can offer and what your audience needs is Great Presentation. Great Presentation doesn't just happen.  You make it happen.

Your Presentation Moment of Zen May 4, 2011

Great Presenters always answer the question What's In It For You? ( WIIFY ) Never forget that the thing that people like to talk about most is themselves. Therefore, in presentation, the most important word is "You". Does your Presentation have a WIIFY ?